
20190601 傅希秋、远志明及掌权者绝密的基督教和谐计划 (基督教和谐控制计划2) (English and Chinese version, general describe about CCCCP )

20190601 傅希秋、远志明及掌权者绝密的基督教和谐计划 (基督教和谐控制计划2) 
 20190601 Fu Xiqiu, Yuan Zhiming and CCP the top secret Chinese Christianity Concordancy Control   Plan (Chinese Christianity Concordance Control Plan 2) 

youtube: https://youtu.be/EKWljZiQ2X4 (no caption, only Chinese)

On December 8, 2008, the San Francisco special meeting adopted the "San Francisco Consensus." According to the correspondence between Ren Bumei(任不寐), Pastor David Li(李大卫) of the China Ministries International and Yuan Zhiming(远志明afterwards, this consensus was passed by deception. Many Christians have been deceived. It can be seen from the "Please take back the San Francisco Consensus" published by Pastor David Li in Ren's blog that Ren and Li have not yet realized the serious error of the "San Francisco Consensus", but only think that through the procedural error, the word Concordance”should not be used.  
It can be seen from Fan Xuede's "San Francisco Special Meeting Secret News" that Pastor Hong Yujian of the Vancouver Faith Chinese Baptist Church mainly revised Yuan Zhiming's manuscript. Zhao Xiao added a sentence, and Wang Yi added a sentence, which constitutes the current "San Francisco Consensus". Look. Zhao Xiao is the economist whose high housing prices are patriotic, and Wang Yi is the one who is inseparable from Yu Jie. 
Many believers disagree with the San Francisco Consensus, but they cannot find out the fundamental problem because it looks like we believe. However, the sudden introduction of Xu Jing Ting's article "Inside and Outward Cooperation" made Christians fully understand that "San Francisco Consensus" reached consensus with those power(Chinese Communist Partto control Christians 
The summary of the basic beliefs of Christians is the "Apostles 'Creed". Anyone who does not believe in the "Apostles' Creed" must be heretics, (of course, some heretics also believe in it). The "Apostles 'Creed" has only 12 sentences: (It is said that it was written by one of Jesus' 12 postles, but later it was not true) 
Apostles' Creed: 
1. 我信上帝,全能的父, 天地的创造主 
I believe in God, Father Almighty, Creator of heavens and earth; 
2. 我信我主耶稣基督,上帝的独生子 
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord, 
3. 因圣灵感孕,由童贞女马利亚所生 
Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Given birth through Virgin Mary, 
4. 在本丢·彼拉多手下受难,被钉在十字架,受死,埋葬 
Suffered under Potius Pilate, Was crucified, died and buried; 
5. 降在阴间;第三日从死人中复活 
He was descended into the death, and the third day was raised again from the dead. 
6. 祂升天,坐在全能父上帝的右边 
He ascended into the Heaven, seated at the right hand of Father Almighty, 
7. 将来必从那里降临,审判活人死人 
And will come back from there to judge the living and the dead. 
8. 我信圣灵 
I believe in the Holy Spirit, 
9. 圣而大公之教会、圣徒相通 
the holy universal Church, the communion of the saints, 
10. 罪得赦免 
The forgiveness of sins, 
11. 身体复活 
The resurrection of the body, 
12. 以及永生。阿们 
And life everlasting. Amen! 

And the belief part of the San Francisco Consensus actually deleted the following sentences: 
Conceived by the Holy Spirit, Given birth through Virgin Mary, 
He ascended into the Heaven, seated at the right hand of Father Almighty, 
And will come back from there to judge the living and the dead. 
The resurrection of the body, 
And life everlasting. Amen! 
  The reason for deleting these sentences is very simple. These sentences are all about miracles and are inconsistent with the atheistic views of those in power(CCP)! ! ! The deleted creed (that is, consensus) is consistent with the "unbelief" belief of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (三自爱国教会) (that is, the church controlled by CCP). Let us recall again that in the 1950s Brother Wang Mingdao wrote "We Are For Faith" and "Call of Truth?" Toxin call? ", And found that the consensus is exactly the same as the self-unbeliefs of Wang Mingdao's opponent. 
To this end, the truth is clear, Yuan Zhiming's group in the "San Francisco Consensus" really is reaching a consensus with those in power(CCP) to come to the church! Among them there must be undercovers in the church like Li Chuwen. 
Let's think about the beginning of this plan (in fact, it was very early, only when it was revealed here). In June 2006, Wang Yi and Yu Jie and three others met with Bush. The White House News said that they were seeing freedom and human rights fighters. , It should be the word), but the Chinese news is consistent but it has become a "Christian", the CCCCP plan begins, artificially making Christian stars, coupled with the coat of human rights, the children in Lord are cheated and are not easy to find the trick. Not many people understood at this time. Pastor Stephen Tong (唐崇荣) backed them. In November 2007, Wang Yi, Yu Jie, and Stephen Tong (唐崇荣) published their views on Falun Gong, which aroused the vigilance of believers. It seems that they are starting to participate in secular politics as if they are speaking for Falun GongIt also seems to be cooperating with those in power to suppress Falun Gong, not knowing what the purpose is. But some brothers have also begun to be moved by the Holy Spirit, and the church will be fully secularized. 
In May 2008, the 5.12 earthquake occurred in Wang Yi, Yu Jie's hometown in Sichuan province (incidentally? Unbelievers certainly think so).

In August 2009 (?), The  Stephen Tong (唐崇荣) scandal broke out. Among all the scandals, Fu Xiqiu (傅希秋 Bob Fu)came into sight. It turns out that Pastor Fu was  Stephen Tong (唐崇荣) ’s international reform team. The evidence is indeed


At this point, it is not over yet, and there is news that Elder Lin Gang, the head of the "Covenant Love" organization Wang Yi participated in, was originally a National security member , and one of his younger brothers was a Domestic security(National security?)


Let's look at Stephen Tong (唐崇荣)'s brother Tang Chonghuai again (?). This person has been cooperating with Three-Self Patriotic Movement (三自爱国教会) but Stephen Tong (唐崇荣) has always seemed  to be anti-Three-Self Patriotic Movement, as if to perform for the sake of truth, brothers cripple, do you believe it? I don't believe it, and now that the "San Francisco Consensus" is released, I can only think that they are playing Infernal Affairs(playing both sides).


At this point, the whole truth is clear: the CCP uses the reformed theology to harmonize(control, Concordancy with) the church (Wang Yi is also the elder in reformed church), because Calvin ’s reformed theology has always had a cultural mission, so it is exaggerated to deceive people, but Not really evangelism.


All the above information is from the Internet, please look for more details.


I would like to advise you, the great democratic prosecutors, the CCP members and the big dissent gates of all kinds of dissent, do not come to the church to cheat God, provoke the anger of the God, so many people die, the Chinese are really miserable! ! ! ! Please repent. "Bible" is the only standard for us. You can cheat it again, but you can't win the Holy Spirit with those who truly believe in the Lord. You can't be deceived for a while, you can't be deceived for a lifetime, you can't master the Bible more than the Holy Spirit! ! ! ! !


I saw a post calling on everyone to divide Christianity. Do n’t do it or you will die inexplicably.


I dare to predict that if Yuan Zhiming and his associates do not repent, his consequences will be miserable! ! ! ! Don't learn from him. The Tang Chongrong scandal is all over the network, he is about to be failed to against God!

太10:26 所 以 不 要 怕 他 们 。 因 为 掩 盖 的 事 , 没 有 不 露 出 来 的 。 隐 藏 的 事 , 没 有 不 被 人 知 道 的 。 
Matthew 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.

Yuan Zhiming is also Reformed!

In 1992, introduced by Pastor Samuel Ling, he entered the Mississippi Reformed Theological Seminary  and obtained a master's degree in cross-cultural studies.


Thank you for keeping this post, it is about the soul of Chinese people, if you don't believe it, please refer to it! The Chinese are so miserable! ! ! !


in white house website, It shows: President George W. Bush meets with Chinese Human Rights activists
but in Chinese news shows Bush meets three christians(Fake!)

CCCCP evil plan is exposed !

I only list one website for Chinese News, you can find  many more  in Chinese( 布什会见三个基督徒 Bush meets three Christians!) CCCCP  evil plan is exposed !

Former president Bush met three fake christians in Whitehouse in 2006.
the left one is Li Baiguang, who died a few years ago because God cursed him.
they are fake Chinese Human Rights activists. the evil plan to control house church first, and then to control the whole world in fake churches.

3. Pastor David Li https://www.boxun.com/news/gb/pubvp/2009/01/200901231022.shtml  我們這“一代人”應有的“共識”——對《旧金山共识》的回應/李大衛
4. 旧金山特会密闻: 一代人的见证  范学德 http://m.kdnet.net/share-2590369.html
5. 徐静听 《里应外合》Xu Jing Ting's article "Inside and Outward Cooperation"   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvlrW0L9nRY    https://www.douban.com/note/407216924/  http://7000christian.blogspot.com/2020/05/an-important-article-about-chinese.html(English and Chinese)
6. 國際歸正福音團契」正式聯署成立 https://www.chinaaid.net/2007/10/blog-post_9.html

7. 余杰的三个错误 曹长青
Three errors of Yu Jie Cao Changqing https://caochangqing.com/gb/newsdisp.php?News_ID=3149 . Yu Jie wrote afterwards that he said, "I see the meeting as a beautiful sharing between an American Christian and three Chinese Christians." Private communication ". This approach of narrowing Bush's meeting is to reduce the weight of the US President and the US government's concern about human rights in China.
(too many references to list here)



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