Inside and outside in churches to work for CCP
This is a very important article to expose Chinese Christianity Concordance Control Plan(CCCCP)
The author is Pastor Wang Ying and others, Xu Jingting is just a pen name.
In recent years, house churches have developed rapidly throughout the country. This not only caused widespread concern at home and abroad, but also aroused great attention from relevant parties. Many official functional departments, such as: National Religious Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Public Security, United Front Work Department, National Security Agency, Xinhua News Agency and other agencies, have begun to investigate the development of house churches. It is reported that officials have recently invited experts from Europe and the United States to study the development of Christianity to visit China to analyze the reasons for the rapid development of house churches.
2008年11月21至22日,中国国务院发展研究中心民族发展研究所(主办单位)与北京普世社会科学研究所(协办单位)于北京昌平联合举办关于家庭教会的专题研讨会,会议主题为“基督教与社会和谐研讨会——中国家庭教会问题专题讨论” (简称研讨会)。目的是要商讨对策如何加强控制和管理家庭教会,并要利用基督教为建设和谐社会服务。这是建国以来,第一次公开由官方主办研讨家庭教会问题的特别会议。
From November 21 to 22, 2008, the National Development Institute of the State Council Development Research Center (host) and the Beijing Institute of Universal Social Sciences (co-organizer) jointly organized a seminar on house churches in Changping, Beijing. The theme of the conference was "Symposium on Christianity and Social Harmony-Special Discussion on Chinese House Churches" (referred to as seminar). The purpose is to discuss how to strengthen the control and management of house churches, and to use Christianity to build a harmonious society. This is the first time since the founding of the People's Republic of China that an official special meeting on house church issues has been publicly hosted.
Representatives of this meeting include government officials, researchers from the Academy of Social Sciences, scholars from famous universities, folk religious research experts, and specially invited representatives of the "house church". The purpose of the meeting is to provide suggestions for the official, how to further strengthen the management of the growing house church. In fact, this has been the principle policy of the past 60 years, that is to restrict, use, transform and even eliminate. As early as September 23, 1950, the People's Daily published an editorial titled "The Way of Chinese Christianity's Efforts in the Construction of New China" on the front page headline, and the above guidelines have been determined.
This seminar also invited Liu Tongsu (see note 1) who settled in the United States as a representative of the House Church in Beijing (the second one from the right in the first row of the figure below, see note 2) to give advice and suggestions to the official, which makes people Recalling the special invitation of the CPPCC Wu Yaozong in 1948, Liu Liangmo and the two returned to China from the United States as Christian representatives to participate in the CPPCC. At this seminar, Liu Tongsu suggested to the official a progressive and progressive legal system to manage house churches. In fact, Liu Tongsu published his findings on house churches in Beijing in the September 2008 Life Quarterly. Liu cited the theological classes and theological courses run by the house church and house churches in Beijing. Detailed statistics and analysis of the composition, number, background, and pastor's education of these churches have been made. This provides extremely valuable information and data for the official and this seminar.
无独有偶,这次研讨会刚刚结束20天, 2008年12月8日,在美国的旧金山就由“神州传播协会”和湾区华人春令会联合举办一个有趣的「一代人的见证」大会。一些美国华人教会中的知名人士:远志明,刘同苏,洪予健,张伯笠,张路加,张志刚,祝建,周小安,范学德,李亚丁,赵莉等,还有来自大陆的赵晓、
Coincidentally, this seminar has just ended 20 days. On December 8, 2008, in San Francisco, the United States and the Bay Area Chinese Spring Festival jointly organized an interesting "Witness of a Generation" conference. Some famous people in Chinese American churches: Yuan Zhiming, Liu Tongsu, Hong Yujian, Zhang Boli, Zhang Lujia, Zhang Zhigang, Zhu Jian, Zhou Xiaoan, Fan Xuede, Li Yading, Zhao Li, etc., as well as Zhao Xiao, Yu Jie, Wang Yi, Jin Mingri, Cui Quan, Huang Lei, Yang Wanli and others from the mainland published the "San Francisco Consensus" (hereinafter referred to as "consensus"), led by Xiao Min to sing along the sea and pray for mainland China.
《旧金山共识》共分三部分,第一是“信仰告白”,第二是“我们看见”,第三是“我们祈祷”。在信仰告白当中似乎试图与历代信经相比,咋看起来面面俱到,但是其中只字不提 “基督再来”、“末日审判”、“道成肉身”、“童女生子”等真理。请看第一部分的全文:
The San Francisco Consensus is divided into three parts, the first is "confessions of faith", the second is "we see", and the third is "we pray". In the confession of faith, it seems that it is trying to compare with the previous creeds, but it does not mention the truths such as " christ's second advent ", " Last Judgement ", "incarnation", "virgin pregnancy" and so on. Please see the full text of the first part:
We believe that the single God of the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit created the universe and mankind, and with his glorious power, he controls the history, present, and future of mankind, including China.
We believe that we, like the world, have sinned, lacked the glory of God, and cannot save ourselves from depravity and destruction by virtue of our own morality, wisdom, power, and wealth.
We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for atonement, and was raised from the dead on the third day, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
We believe that without the illumination and guidance of the Holy Spirit, no one can receive salvation, confess and repent, and become a new creation.
We believe that the Bible is a complete and unmistakable special revelation from God and the supreme authority of Christians in faith.
We believe that all Christians in the world are children of God, the church is our spiritual home on earth, and Jesus Christ is the only head of the universal church, including the Chinese church.
为什么这份由300多位牧师传道人联名签署的“共识”,似乎宣称相信一切圣经真理,却没有提到相信“基督再来”、“末日审判”、“道成肉身”、“童女生子” 等真理呢?笔者估计有三种可能:1)起草“共识”的人忘记把这一条加上。这似乎不太可能,因为这份“共识”是经过300多位牧师和传道人审阅并签字后发表的。请看“共识”的产生过程…
Why this "consensus" signed by more than 300 pastors and ministers seems to claim to believe in all biblical truths, but it does not mention the belief in " christ's second advent ", " Last Judgment ", "incarnation", " Virgin pregnancy" and other truths What? The author estimates that there are three possibilities: 1) The person who drafted the "consensus" forgot to add this one. This seems unlikely because this "consensus" was published after more than 300 pastors and ministers reviewed and signed it. Please see the generation process of "consensus" ...
Appendix: The production process of the San Francisco Consensus
In view of the new situation faced by the Chinese church, some conference proponents believe that the conference should express our faith, our vision and our prayers in writing. So several preachers drafted the first draft before the meeting and sent it to some participants for comments. On the afternoon of the registration day, Yuan Zhiming, Liu Tongsu, Hong Yujian, Zhang Boli, Zhang Lujia, Zhang Zhigang, Zhu Jian, Zhou Xiaoan, Fan Xuede, Li Yading, Zhao Li and other North American preachers, together with Zhao Xiao, Wang Yi and Yu Jie from mainland China , Jin Mingri, Cui Quan, Huang Lei, Yang Wanli and other guests discussed the form, content and structure of the text in depth. Accordingly, several co-workers completed the text verification and polish of the text that night. The following day, Feng Bingcheng and others who arrived late were consulted. In the afternoon, the text was handed to more than 300 ministers and co-workers at the meeting, which were discussed in seven thematic groups, and the majority agreed. (Note: According to Yuan Zhiming's confirmation, the other six groups are all in favor). On the morning of the third day of the conference, Hong Yujian read out the official text at the conference, and the participants gave warm and lasting applause.
2) If it is not forgotten, it is that these more than 300 pastor ministers simply do not believe in the important truths such as " christ's second advent ", " Last Judgment ", "incarnation", " Virgin pregnancy". This seems a little too general, because from the generation process of the "consensus", although it has been approved by the vast majority of people, there are still a few people who disagree. Perhaps they are those who believe in these important truths.
3) Perhaps in order to maintain harmony(concordance) with the official slogan and pace and serve politics
Wang Zuo'an, deputy director of the National Religious Administration, said in a speech at the 10th Anniversary of the Construction of Chinese Christian Theological Thoughts held in November 2008: "Our foresight and vision are such a Chinese church. Rich, irrational, and more adaptable to China ’s socialist society, it can help believers to establish a more harmonious and logical belief and testimony. ” Let us carefully analyze what Director Wang said:
“不反理性” 是否不相信神迹奇事的真实性,因为圣经中神迹都是反理性的。
“适应中国社会主义(有中国特色的)” 是否要照官方的意思解释圣经呢?
Does "rich thoughts" not necessarily follow the only standard of the Bible, any idea is OK?
Do you not believe in the authenticity of miracles and wonders, because miracles in the Bible are anti-rational?
"Adapt to Chinese socialism (with Chinese characteristics)" Is it necessary to explain the Bible according to the official meaning?
Does "harmony(concordance) and reasonable belief" refer to a theological theory that conforms to human ideas and logic?
Obviously, these important truths of virgin conceive and bear a son, incarnation are anti-rational, and they are not justified in harmony (concordance). If these truths are written in the "consensus", is it not in harmony (concordance) with the official tone? It turned out that the San Francisco Consensus was to reach a consensus with the official, to be in harmony (concordance) with the official, and to spare the complete biblical truth apart. It can be said that obedience to power comes to an extreme.
另外,三自和官方一贯强调任何讲论世界末日,审判的教导都是“邪教”。因此,三自会中从来不许讲耶稣再来,末日审判等真理。为了保持和官方和谐一致,“共识”当然也不会提到基督再来,末日审判等真理。有些人看了《旧金山共识》和“一代人的见证”光盘以后,产生了一种莫名其妙的兴奋。他们被那些演艺圈子里名人们口若悬河的“见 证”和文艺表演冲昏了头脑。而没有用慎思明辨的态度冷静地分析这些人所信的到底是什么?他们所看见的是什么?他们所祷告的又是什么?
In addition, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement and the official have always emphasized that any teaching about the end of the world, the teaching of judgment is "cult". Therefore, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement is never allowed to speak about the truth of Jesus' coming again, the judgment of the end. In order to maintain harmony(concordance) with the official, the "consensus" of course does not mention truths such as the coming again of Christ and the judgment of the end. Some people have seen an inexplicable excitement after reading the "San Francisco Consensus" and the "Testimony of a Generation" CD. They were stunned by the eloquent "witnesses" and celebrity performances of celebrities in the performing arts circle. But did not use a careful and discerning attitude to calmly analyze what these people believe in the end? What are they seeing? What are they praying for?
"We believe" in the "San Francisco Consensus" was carefully thought out and carefully planned. It makes many believers believe that the "consensus" belief is completely consistent with their beliefs. Next, they were led to official policy to reach consensus with the official.
"We see" in the "San Francisco Consensus" is their views and positions. They saw that Chinese society is undergoing a transformation. "We see that this change in China is different from all the changes in the past 3,000 years. This is a change with a cross." This passage sounds inspiring, but let us think about what this passage is about. . What does the "consensus" mean by "consensus"? Is it the Chinese society that changed the cross? Or did the cross transform Chinese society?
If the Chinese society changed the cross, it means that the gospel of the cross has been changed, has become a social gospel, has been secularized, has become the so-called "gospel with Chinese characteristics". This is exactly the " Three-Self Patriotic Movement " and the "change" that the government hopes to see; it is also the slogan advocated by Bishop Ding Guangxun in recent years: "Christianity must be compatible with socialist construction", and it is also the consistent policy that the government has implemented since 1950 . However, the gospel of Christ is only divine in nature and has no national characteristics. The gospel to the Jews at the beginning is the same as the gospel to the Gentiles. There should be no change for the social background and the difference in national culture. The so-called "gospel with Chinese characteristics" is a false gospel, which is the "other gospel" that Paul said in Galatians.
【加1:6-9】 我希奇你们这么快离开那借着基督之恩召你们的,去从别的福音。那并不是福音不过有些人搅扰你们,要把基督的福音更改了。但无论是我们,是天上来的使者,若传福音给你们,与我们所传给你们的不同,他就应当被咒诅。我们已经说了,现在又说,若有人传福音给你们,与你们所领受的不同,他就应当被咒诅。
【 Galatians 1: 6-9】 I am surprised that you are being so quickly turned away from him whose word came to you in the grace of Christ, to good news of a different sort; Which is not another sort: only there are some who give you trouble, desiring to make changes in the good news of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, were to be a preacher to you of good news other than that which we have given you, let there be a curse on him. As we have said before, so say I now again, If any man is a preacher to you of any good news other than that which has been given to you, let there be a curse on him.
If it is the cross that changed Chinese society, then this kind of change started as early as when the gospel was introduced into China hundreds of years ago, and it never stopped. Participants of the "consensus" only saw that the cross is transforming China's society today, and it seems a little late. But seeing is better than not seeing. The gospel of the cross is changing China's society every day. Thousands of Chinese compatriots believe that they have accepted the gospel. House churches have sprung up on the land of China, but this is not what the " Three-Self Patriotic Movement " and officials hope to see. That's why the November 2008 "seminar" was held because officials have always regarded Christians as the "instability factor" of society and the suppression of house churches has never stopped.
The second part of the "Consensus" says: "We see that mainland China is undergoing unprecedented changes, and the economy, society, politics and culture are facing a comprehensive transformation. ... In the process of China's move towards a more liberal and civilized civil society, The Christian community is playing a more and more constructive role. "I would like to ask the signers of the" consensus "whether the so-called freer and civilized civil society is a" democratic, free new society "proposed by the Political Consultative Conference on the eve of liberation What? If so, is n’t it a great irony of the “brilliant achievements” of democracy and freedom over the past 60 years since the founding of the country 60 years later?
The current society in China may be undergoing transformation, but the question is whether the church of God should also be changed? The official " Three-Self Patriotic Movement " meeting has transformed from the " Three-Self Patriotic Movement " meeting in the 1980s. We have reason to believe that in the future, " Three-Self Patriotic Movement " will continue to transform in accordance with official requirements. But if the house church has also been transformed by this "generation" and has reached a consensus with the official, wouldn't it be a monster! The church is originally the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, and must be completely loyal to Christ Jesus. If the image is changed, then it will no longer be the bride of Christ but the adulteress, no longer the body of Christ, but the political corpse.
"We pray" in the "San Francisco Consensus" distorts the Bible and finds a more decent excuse for reaching a consensus with the official. "Consensus" actively responds to the official November 2008 "Symposium" call, with a strong sense of patriotism and the unity of politics and religion; Mainland Christians are required to tolerate those in power with all kinds of tolerance; and participate in building a "harmonious society" And complete "social transformation". "Consensus" has the following words in our prayers: "We pray, may God Almighty, bless his children, with all patience, tenderness, and humility, submit to God's right to impartiality and justice to those in power. May Almighty God, especially remember the churches who suffered and were glorified together with the Lord. "
-"San Francisco Consensus"
Wang Zuo'an, Director of the State Religious Administration, said at the "Tenth Anniversary of the Construction of Chinese Christian Theological Thoughts" in November 2008, when he talked about his views on Christianity, he said: "Therefore, Christianity can and should be fully in building a harmonious culture. Play an active role. In promoting the construction of Christian theology, we must correctly interpret the concepts of patience, tolerance, humility, equality, fraternity, etc. in the original Bible and church traditions in accordance with the requirements of building a harmonious culture ... Strive to build a harmonious church and promote Social Harmony"
"Patience, humility, tenderness, obedience" these biblical words turned into political dolls. "San Francisco Consensus" and Director Wang's speech sang together. No wonder the discerning brethren and sisters call the "consensus" the "harmonious creed" in line with the official. Obedience to power is indeed a lesson in the Bible. Christians should be good citizens; however, obedience to power in the Bible is principled. If those in power abuse their authority, govern Christian worship and evangelism, interfere and persecute house churches in various ways, and tamper with the truth of the Bible. Christians must obey God, not people! Peter set an example for the church.
【徒5:28-29】 我们不是严严地禁止你们,不可奉这名教训人吗?你们倒把你们的道理充满了耶路撒冷,想要叫这人的血归到我们身上。彼得和众使徒回答说,顺从神,不顺从人,是应当的。
【 Acts 5: 28-29】 We gave you very clear orders not to give teaching in this name: and now Jerusalem is full of your teaching, and you are attempting to make us responsible for this man's death. But Peter and the Apostles, answering, said, We have to do the orders of God, not of man.
The San Francisco Consensus also specifically mentions "harmony, harmony and peace". From the point of view of words and polish, it can be said to be very harmonious with the official requirements. Let's compare the "consensus" with Director Wang's speech to see how similar their words are ...
"We pray that God will give love and forgiveness so that China can complete social transformation in harmony, harmony and peace, rebuild credit, enjoy peace, make justice flow like water, and make fairness flow like rivers."
-"San Francisco Consensus"
"Currently, the construction of theological ideology should respond to the requirements of the times to build a socialist harmonious society, correctly interpret the concepts of" reconciliation "," harmony ", and" peace "in the scriptures of the Bible and the church tradition, participate in the construction of a harmonious culture, and actively promote society Harmony is an important manifestation of the contribution of contemporary Christianity to promote economic and social development. "
——Wang Zuo'an (Deputy Director of the National Religious Administration)
No one will deny that Chinese society needs harmony(concordance), harmony, reconciliation and peace. Not only does China need peace, harmony (concordance), harmony and reconciliation, it needs the whole world. In today's world full of terrorist activities, everyone wants harmony. But all this does not come from the slogan of empty shouting, it must come from the sincere love of people's hearts. The depraved human beings are all selfish, and there is simply no self-denying love. Only by accepting Jesus Christ as the personal savior can one's life be renewed, and one's worldview, values, and outlook on life can be changed. Only then can the love of Jesus Christ be used to love those who are not lovely.
基督徒当然应该为实现和谐社会发挥作用;那就是把福音尽快地传遍神州大地,使人借着重生得救与上帝和好,人人在上帝面前认罪悔改。然后人与人的关系才能改善;人与人之间才会有饶恕,宽容,忍耐,社会上才会有真正的和谐 。爱的源头就是神,如果愿意看到一个充满爱与和谐的神州大地,那就让神的救恩和十字架的道理传遍长城内外,大江南北吧!
The doctrine of the cross is based on biblical truth, not a new theological idea that fits Chinese characteristics, nor is it a tool for serving politics. Otherwise, it is no longer the gospel of rebirth and salvation, but an artificial false gospel. The true gospel has the power of God and the presence of the Holy Ghost that can change people's lives; while the false gospel is a religious theory that serves politics and will not change people's lives. Without the rebirth of human life, there cannot be the love of Christ, and there can be no real harmony in society.
Of course, Christians should play a role in realizing a harmonious society; that is, spread the gospel as soon as possible throughout the land of China, so that people can be saved and reconciled to God through rebirth, and everyone confessed and repented before God. Then the relationship between people can be improved; there will be forgiveness, tolerance, patience, and real harmony in society. The source of love is God. If you are willing to see a land of love and harmony in China, let the salvation of God and the cross spread throughout the Great Wall and north and south!
God's servant maids, the Bible has reminded us:
[2 Peter 2: 1] But there were false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly put forward wrong teachings for your destruction, even turning away from the Lord who gave himself for them; whose destruction will come quickly, and they themselves will be the cause of it. .
This passage clearly tells us that in the Old Testament era, many false prophets were active among voters. In the future, there will surely be many false teachers inside the church, secretly spreading the doctrines of destruction in the church. This has already happened in the time of the apostles.
【Ga 1: 6-9】I am surprised that you are being so quickly turned away from him whose word came to you in the grace of Christ, to good news of a different sort; Which is not another sort: only there are some who give you trouble, desiring to make changes in the good news of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, were to be a preacher to you of good news other than that which we have given you, let there be a curse on him. As we have said before, so say I now again, If any man is a preacher to you of any good news other than that which has been given to you, let there be a curse on him.
[2 Corinthians 11: 3-5] But I have a fear, that in some way, as Eve was tricked by the deceit of the snake, your minds may be turned away from their simple and holy love for Christ. For if anyone comes preaching another Jesus from the one whose preachers we are, or if you have got a different spirit, or a different sort of good news from those which came to you, how well you put up with these things. For in my opinion, I am in no way less than the most important of the Apostles.
[Ephesians 4: 14-16] So that we may be no longer children, sent this way and that, turned about by every wind of teaching, by the twisting and tricks of men, by the deceits of error; But saying true words in love, may come to full growth in him, who is the head, even Christ; Through whom all the body, being rightly formed and united together, by the full working of every part, is increased to the building up of itself in love.
Our Lord warned us in the form of commands that the false prophets were wolves in sheep's clothing. Pastor Li Chuwen, the general secretary general of the " Three-Self Patriotic Movement ", is a typical example. (Li Chuwen graduated from Shanghai St. John ’s University before liberation, and later entered the Yale University Theological Seminary; Yale University Theological Seminary is still a typical representative of the unbelief. After returning home, he served as the chief pastor in the Shanghai International Chapel. The guards mistakenly hit and rammed, tore apart the religious coat and sheepskin, and exposed the identity of the underground party members before they were transferred to Hong Kong to become the vice president of Hong Kong Xinhua News Agency).
Is there more than one Li Chuwen in the history of the Chinese church? In fact, there must be many wolves like Li Chuwen inside the church today. Some of them preached the gospel for greed, some were for fame, some were for the sake of private parties, and some were for politics in the church ... We can only search the Bible seriously, think carefully, and recognize them by the fruits they bear.
[Matthew 7:18] It is not possible for a good tree to give bad fruit, and a bad tree will not give good fruit.
[Matthew 7:18] So by their fruits you will get knowledge of them.